Friday, 3 May 2013

Open letter to Hon. Gujrat High court on it's observation of Chetan Bhagat's novel being pornographic.

Dear sir , 
We have been reading Chetan Bhagat from last many years and you might be surprised to know that this very guy opened all new gates of opportunities for so many young brilliant writers and revived print industry in some ways . this guy en-rooted reading habit in so many young people , suddenly today we have been told that all that literature that we have read so many times and enjoyed ourselves every time we read were pornographic . Do you live in current time or do you see everything through spects of 70's or 80's . Dear sir look outside India has changed so are the thinking of its young people . We are more responsible more productive than people were a decade or two ago. You might be of thinking that young generation is no good and only your time was best in all sense . Chetan Bhagat is one of the best writer of today's time ,his writings on many subjects including on many social and political issues have been excellent Ans he is successful in inculcating a new way thinking in young India. So by your judgement of seeing his work as pornographic, I humbly disagree.

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